Justine Antoine

Justine Antoine

Justine is an R&D engineer in the Software Solutions team. in 2020, Justine completed her Data Science Engineer degree at INSA, Lyon focusing on image processing, databases, machine learning, and object-oriented programming with languages such as Python, R, and...
Sebastien Goll

Sebastien Goll

Sébastien est ingénieur R&D dans l’équipe Solutions Logicielles. Sébastien est titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de l’INSA Lyon (France), où il a étudié l’informatique et les technologies industrielles. Il détient également un Master...
Sebastien Goll

Sebastien Goll

Sébasten is an R&D engineer in the Software Solutions team. Sébastien holds an engineering degree from INSA Lyon (France) where he studied computer science and industrial technologies. He also holds a Master’s degree from Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) in...
Jean Fechter

Jean Fechter

Jean Fechter is an R&D Engineer in the Scientific Visualization team at Kitware Europe. Jean holds an engineering degree from EPITA, where he studied computer science and advanced techniques. One of his main projects during his studies was a 3D fluid simulation...
Jean Fechter

Jean Fechter

Jean Fechter est ingénieur R&D dans l’équipe Visualisation Scientifique de Kitware Europe. Jean est titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de l’école EPITA, où il a étudié l’informatique et les techniques avancées. L’un de ses principaux projets durant ses...