Jonathan Bouyer

Jonathan Bouyer

Jonathan is an R&D engineer in the Software Solutions team. Jonathan completed his engineering degree at CPE Lyon, specializing in image processing and programming (Python, C++, Matlab). Alongside, he pursued a Master’s in Health Engineering at Polytech Lyon,...
Justine Antoine

Justine Antoine

Justine est ingénieure R&D dans l’équipe Solutions Logicielles. En 2020, Justine a obtenu son diplôme d’ingénieur en Data Science à l’INSA Lyon, avec une spécialisation en traitement d’images, bases de données, apprentissage automatique, et...
Justine Antoine

Justine Antoine

Justine is an R&D engineer in the Software Solutions team. in 2020, Justine completed her Data Science Engineer degree at INSA, Lyon focusing on image processing, databases, machine learning, and object-oriented programming with languages such as Python, R, and...
Sebastien Goll

Sebastien Goll

Sébastien est ingénieur R&D dans l’équipe Solutions Logicielles. Sébastien est titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de l’INSA Lyon (France), où il a étudié l’informatique et les technologies industrielles. Il détient également un Master...
Sebastien Goll

Sebastien Goll

Sébasten is an R&D engineer in the Software Solutions team. Sébastien holds an engineering degree from INSA Lyon (France) where he studied computer science and industrial technologies. He also holds a Master’s degree from Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) in...